This is a conglomeration of photos of simple things created by me (or my friends). I love to create new things, look at creative things, or just imagine what I could create if I had the time. It's like therapy from the chore of the every day hum-drum, yet considered acceptable since it incorporates the practicality of every day life. For instance; we must eat and drink so why not do these things with utmost creativity? We must decorate so why not compose something new, practical, cost-conscious and seasonally fabulous! 90% of the time, my loving (and appreciative) husband is the only one who will ever see the creations before they are destroyed, eaten, thrown out or..well..die. I'm not much of a writer or a blogger, but I've started photographing and journaling a few creative ideas if for nothing else, than to remember these fleeting moments later on! Enjoy!
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